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Ciné-club #9 – Tokyo Monogatari

Yasujiro Ozu, 1953, 136 min.
Shukichi (Chishū Ryū) and Tomi (Chieko Higashiyama), a retired couple from a small coastal town, visit their children living between Tokyo and Osaka. Well received at first, they are gradually treated as a nuisance by their children, who are busy with their own lives.
After an unpleasant stay in Atami, the parents return home, but Tomi falls ill along the way. The family reunites upon their return, and Tomi dies shortly thereafter. The children must leave quickly, leaving Shukichi’s widowed daughter-in-law Noriko (Setsuko Hara) to take care of him. Touched by Noriko’s attention, he offers her a souvenir and encourages her to consider marrying anew before continuing her life with Kyoko (Kyōko Kagawa).

Rue Yves Saint Laurent 40000 Marrakech Maroc